The Ernst-Ruska-Award 2007 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was awarded on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Award Committee Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi, Basel
Dr. Linda Amos, Cambridge Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Karnthaler, Wien Prof. Dr. Knut Urban, Juelich Dr. Heinz Schwarz, Tübingen Prof. Dr. Michiyoshi Tanaka, Sendai jointly to the following awardees
Prof. Hiroshi Jinnai, Prof. Richard J. Spontak, and Prof. Paul A. Midgley
for their work on: "Novel and Quantitative Uses of Electron Tomography in the 3D Study of Nanostructured Materials" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2007 in Saarbrücken on Monday, September 3rd 2007. |